Candy Red Intake Perfectly Clean, inside and out. I may port the flasking ( the rough bumps and mold marks from manufacturing cast Aluminum) out , but only a mild port, no Diameter exspansion of intake runner. On the right is the top intake plenum and left is the lower intake runners with injector holes.
I am going to take it to a Shop to be fixed and ,while they are at it, install a Apex- Safc II Fuel computer, maybe a o2 sensor ( I have a spare), and whatever part needs to be replaced to fix the check engine light so I pass emisions testing in the next 4-5 months when its time to register agian. Oh an yes the chek engine light is on too.

I have a Apexi Safc II to be installed I have been waiting on the injectors. Safc allows you to adjust the injector pulse to accomodate the air flow "curve" from turbo charging.
The second-generation S-AFC is a fuel computer that adjusts fuel/air ratio by modifying the air-flow meter/MAP sensor signal. The NEW S-AFC II is loaded with new features. Smaller, lighter, single button toggle control of all features. Knock sensor function alerts of knock signal. - silver case displayed. black version is no longer availableIt features a user-definable, eight-point, adjustable fuel curve that can be set in 500 RPM increments. The range of fuel adjustment is +/- 50% at each of the user-defined setting points. On hot-wire vehicles, the Deceleration Air Flow Correction function is capable of curing the erratic idle and stall problems associated with open-atmosphere blow-off valves on hot-wire air-flow meter systems. The S-AFC is capable of monitoring and replaying the following data channels in Numerical, Analog Meter and Graph displays: Intake Manifold Vacuum/Boost Pressure, Air Flow Capacity, Intake Manifold Pressure, Karmann Frequency, Engine RPM, Throttle Position, and Air Flow Correction %.
I may have In-Tune of Cleveland 423-336-5850 do the Install of the Apex unit, injectors, Clean new intake manifold and Dyno tune. I spoke to Scott and ee says he could do it all together, install the manifold + injectors together then install the Apex computer and use the Apex computer to Tune the Microsoft Talon on a Mustang Dyno for $350
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