Tuesday, April 8, 2008

420a Turbo borrows Space Shuttle fuel injectors! Hahn mixes up order for 270cc injectors with 750cc injectors

The new injectors were in and we started the car. Maxi Turned the fuel pressure down trying to bring the air fuel ratio to an acceptable position. Even after lowering it to 20 psi as low as the FMU would go it still was running way rich. The car actually had gasoline squirting onto the ground with every exhuast pulse. LOL A call to Hahn confirmed the problem. They had shipped the 750cc injectors instead of the 270cc injectors. My car was having 2 1/2 times as much fuel as I needed being pumped in. I could have had after burners with all this excess. Anyways Hahn is going to have the injectors exchanged. I never been so happy to know that I recieved the wronge item. I thought that something fell seriously out of calibration or the ECU shorted out.

This is the culprit. If you ever recieve a set of injectors like this then you really have the high flow ones. It is decieving really. The thinner injectors flows more than the fatter OEM version. I suppose it is the Bruce Lee of injectors. They remind me of the Mopar Dodge Neon SRT-4 injectors. I was given two choices from Hahn. I could either buy another set and then return the larger ones I have or wait for a prepaid box, stick these in it and wait for the replacements. Since I may not have extra cash to tie up to get the injectors. I may go with the second option.

This is the injectors set in the intake manifold. What is sad is this clean manifold is now going to have a good amount of black suit buildup from the EGR ( exhuast gas recirculation) valve letting exhuast back in the intake. I am hoping the buildup will be minimal as I have only had the injectors installed since saturday morning April 5 08.

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