Thursday, June 12, 2008

Xbox 360 in dash install Update, 360 gets a test fit inside the dash

Iron Man themed Xbox 360 Elite gets to try on some shoes! Woo!
As you know by checking the past two posts, a frame was made for the 360 for mounting. Then we cut a drive window in the drive. Turns out we have a little more room than I thought. The white is just the base and won't be visible after fibeglass is made.

Here is a straight on view from the passanger seat. When it is installed I will adjust it to sit 1 inch higher that it ise now so that the case is more centered.

Here is a shot with the unfinished bent plexiglass sitting on top over the mounting spot.

I polished the left edge of the plexi just for fun before this picture to show how clear and shiny it can get. All the blue is tape to prevent scratching the dash or smearing adhesive on by accident.

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