Thursday, October 18, 2007

Codename: Upgrade

This is the begining of a blog intended for a variety of readers. It will have Links that seperate to a stem blog specifically related to a subject I make posts on. These links are clickable. I am doing this for easier managment as blog software has bugs that can cause an entire entry to be deleted. I may also Include links to products, and other websites. I take humor lightly and share with everyone. Anyone is allowed to make comments or jokes about any post, Just have fun. I a am doing this blog for both my record, informational purposes and your enjoyment. This blog is covers the build of one of our show cars inspired by a cartoon character named "upgrade" and as a child I was fascinated with Transformers both the cartoon and movie. This fascination let to me being a gadget freak. Learning about different devices and there practical uses. Here I demonstrate practical use of devices and concepts I am integrating into one of my vehicles. Nearly every modification is an upgrade from anything the original manufacturer intended. The name "upgrade" is a current Code name for the car as its bad luck to name a vessel before its plan is completed, R.I.P. Titanic...

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