Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reaction times and tail gating, and interesting facts courtesy of Tennessee Highway Patrol

I'd like to talk about reaction time. When there is a sudden occurrence, you don't react immediately; instead there is a delay between when something happens and your brain realizes it and reacts. That's reaction time.
Now, here's a hypothetical: you're going eighty miles per hour as is the car in front of you, but your only three feet behind that car. If the driver of the car in front of you has to hit his breaks, will you be able to react in time?
Some people do not understand this concept... and probably won't even after the front of their car has been compacted like an accordion. These people are morons. Apparently, morons are in big hurries. Why, I don't know; what kind of place could be in dire and immediate need of morons?
Hey, I'm all for going into the right lane and letting the guy behind me pass since fifteen miles over apparently isn't enough for him, but sometime that isn't possible or wouldn't achieve anything.

Interesting fact: Car A leaves Chattanooga TN, going 55 mph heading to Nashville , and Car B leaves at the same time averaging 70 mph . The driver of Car B will have saved enough time to walk into an empty coffee shop, and order one cup of the finest Folgers before Driver A pulls up beside Car B. This information was obtained from the Tennessee Highway Patrol.
The moral of this story was to show that because of how roads are engineered, traveling excessive speed does little good on short trips.
Here's some info that must be quite new to some people: just because I'm a decent distance behind the person in front of me doesn't mean I'm going any slower. Actually, I'm matching the speed of that car, but, recognizing I have a "reaction time", I keep a proper following distance. Apparently, though, when some people see a gap ahead of the car in front of him, he says to himself, "This car goes slow. Me pass. Me go fast." And thus the driver precariously weaves in and out of the slower traffic in the right lane to get ahead of me, now going the exact same speed again but a few yards ahead of me in the line of cars. So, by risking his life and others and expending much gas in the acceleration, he's knocked approximately 10milliseconds off his commute time. Congratulations!
Even worse, though, is when I have some idiot within inches of my bumper as we're both speeding on the highway, so I go into the right lane... AND HE DOESN'T GO ANY FASTER! Ends up he was driving that close not because he wanted to go any faster, but just because HE?S A RETARD! One of these days, I'm going to slam on my breaks and let my rear bumper collide with his empty skull.
Anyway, as we all know, cars have horns. They?re great for when someone cuts you off (though by the time I think of hitting the horn, the moment has past - again, reaction time). What America really needs is rear car horns. When someone is right up next to me, I want to blast him in the face with the loudest noise possible. Or hit him with an oil slick like with that car in Spy Hunter. It's all good.

1 comment:

Rip Rook said...

This is a great article, I have been always to read something with specific tips! I will have to work on the time for scheduling my learning.

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